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The Inn-Salzach area is also a very beautiful region

Altötting - Das Herz Bayerns

For over 525 years, the Gnadenkapelle with the famous Black Madonna has been the most important pilgrimage destination in German-speaking countries. The baroque Kapellplatz offers the unique setting for numerous events. | G1n | 1. May opening of the pilgrimage season | g1n | Whitsun with the arrival of thousands of foot pilgrims | g1n | traditional folk festival beginning on the weekend after Whitsun | g1n | three-day monastery market in July | g1n | 14. August big light procession | g1n | Christmas market open daily in Advent | g1n | Box-free bus parking spaces | g1n | Organization of city tours

Wallfahrts- und Verkehrsbüro Altötting
Kapellplatz 2a
84503 Altötting

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Längste Burg der Welt

More than a kilometer long - exactly 1051 meters - the mighty castle complex towers over the listed old town in Bavaria. The castle is the focal point of a visit to Burghausen. It is a picturesque festival for the senses, the first stop for conscious slowing down and the encounter with a cultural history spanning more than 1000 years: seemingly endless, the walls, battlements, towers and chapels stretch across a narrow mountain tongue, embedded between the natural paradise of Wöhrsee and the glittering alpine Salzach.

Burg 1
84489 Burghausen

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Webseite Längste Burg der Welt

Geburtshaus Papst Benedikt XVI.

It was Holy Saturday in 1927 when little Joseph saw the light of day in Marktl am Inn as the son of the 50-year-old gendarmerie master Joseph and the 43-year-old cook Maria Ratzinger. 78 years later, Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI. A sensitively staged exhibition in the house where he was born is dedicated to the life and work of the Pope emeritus. His theological positions are also presented. | G1n || g1n | The museum with changing tours sees itself as a place where people can meet and deal with the essential questions of their being.

Stiftung Geburtshaus Benedikt XVI.
Marktplatz 11
84533 Marktl

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Webseite Geburtshaus Papst Benedikt XVI.